Ascension Lutheran Church

Calgary, AB

Ascension Lutheran Church

Thank-you for stopping by to check out Ascension Lutheran’s website and learn a bit about our congregation. We hope that you will join us for worship so we can meet you in person and get to know you and you can get to know us. Our services are a time when we gather to sing God’s praises, hear His Word and be fed from His altar in Holy Communion. There is no formal dress code—there is everything from suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts. What matters most is a heart seeking to meet Jesus. And there is always coffee after the Sunday morning service. Having gathered for worship and met with Jesus in the word and sacraments, we are sent out to share the love and grace we received with everyone we meet, that all might come to know Christ.

Worship Services

Saturday - Last Saturday of the month


Thursday Services during Advent

The Longest Night Service - 5:00 pm December 21

While the mention of Christmas usually brings up thoughts of joy and celebration, for many that joy is mixed with sorrow as they grieve the absence of friends or family who have passed away (either recently or years before), or are dealing with other kinds of loss.

This service is an opportunity for people to recognize their sorrow and to grieve at this “happiest time of the year” by gathering for a service of prayer and healing. There are many different aspects of the service e.g. lighting candles, receiving communion, anointing with oil and prayer for healing, singing Christmas carols etc.

Those attending are welcome to participate as much or as little as they wish. In past years, some people feel moved to do it all, while others sit quietly, thankful for the opportunity to be still. As always, the service is open to all.

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

A Look at the Lessons and Recorded Sermons

A short reflection on the lessons and/or the latest recorded sermon.
